Friday, April 7, 2017

A Better Place

                                                        A Better Place


                   Better is the existential constant being pursued by all of us
                    While leaving the carnage of good and okay strewn in the streets,
                                 Hamlets and homes from shore to shore

                                 The crush of affluence singes the nerves
                          Slowly weakening one’s ability to rest in sufficiency

             The stench of poverty removes, deadens one’s sense of taste and smell
                         Food is no longer for pleasure; it’s now sustenance and life

           Better is illusory, it’s the next moment, the next opportunity, the next relationship
           The next job, the next house, the next high, the next thrill, the next record broken
                           And it creeps away into the surly bonds of eternity

                            For better is omnipresent, sitting between now and next
                            It drives commerce, technology, leisure and romance

                         It is the precursor to next, casting constant shade on now,
                       withering this piece of eternity, making it not as sweet, as good as it
                                         needs to be for you and me

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