Friday, June 2, 2017



I thought I would never see the day when people chose to be entertained versus being informed

I thought I would never see the day when people would willingly, almost sheepishly, sacrifice liberty for the illusion of safety

I thought I would never see the day when human life would be discounted to such a level that to express a concern would spawn vituperative scorn

I thought I would never see the day when adults would wantonly make decisions that would have disastrous effects on children

I thought I would never see the day when the moral arc of justice would bend in the direction of injustice

I thought I would never see the day when august comportment would be replaced by base, primal behavior as normative

I thought I would never see the day when the United States of America lost its moral compass

I thought I would never see the day that people would prefer to interact with a device more than with other individuals

I thought I would never see the day when to say I love this country would be deemed arrogant and become a pejorative called exceptionalism

I thought I would never see the day when having a bibliocentric world view would singularly be construed anti-everything

I thought I would never see the day when absolute truth would be perniciously executed in the public square and folks would gleefully celebrate without context or understanding of consequences

I thought I would never see the day when civil discourse literally became a foreign concept

I thought I would never see the day when a nation's insatiable appetite for drugs ( prescribed, illicit and legal) would rise to the level of a deadly obsession

I thought I would never see the day when familial dysfunction would clog the national bandwidth as entertainment

I thought I would never see the day when I realized that praying for my family, friends, community and this nation would not just be a luxury, but an ABSOLUTE necessity.

1 comment:

  1. Romans 1:18-32 directly speaks to your ideation in this blog. While I'm no historian or sociologist, I find the present atmosphere akin to Germany's during the rise, reign and fall of Hitler.

