Wednesday, August 2, 2017



Sometimes you need to go where nobody knows your name to get a fresh perspective

Sometimes you need to say hello and give a compliment to a complete stranger for your words
may be the only kind ones they hear that day

Sometimes you need to look out the window of an airliner at 40,000 feet to get a new vantage
 point of how little space we occupy in the world

Sometimes you need to turn up the silence to hear the melody of your heart

Sometimes the rhythm of life will be a dissonant symphony

Sometimes you will discover that without God's peace, having everything you ever wanted is
not enough

Sometimes you will realize that the love of your life, is the love that gives you life

Sometimes it is better to respond with silence

Sometimes you do not need to press send

Sometimes you need to be the one someone else can depend on

Sometimes discomfort is the prerequisite for growth

Sometimes love is all you need

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